Self-care is Healthcare - NurseStrong

Self-care is Healthcare

In the spirit of Love Month, I want to take a moment to reflect on the importance of self-care and self-love.

I've learned the value of prioritizing my well-being and showing myself a little extra love, and I hope you'll join me in doing the same.

In reflecting on my journey in nursing, I've experienced the highs of resilience and the lows of burnout. 

It's a path that's tested not only my professional skills but also my inner strength. 

Nursing demands more than clinical expertise; it requires a relentless dedication to others, often at the expense of our well-being.

We face physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion, yet we neglect our own needs in the pursuit of caring for others.

The reality is clear: we can't effectively care for others if we neglect ourselves.

I learned this lesson the hard way.

In my dedication to this profession, I pushed myself too far.

Burnout hit me hard, reminding me of my limits. 

But from that, I realized that self-care isn't a luxury—it's healthcare and it’s essential. 

It was a wake-up call—a stark reminder that I, too, am human, vulnerable to the same limitations as those I care for.

Self-care means setting boundaries, prioritizing rest (Yes nurses, that means saying NO to that extra shift!),

and seeking support or asking for help on the unit when needed

It's about acknowledging our humanity and treating ourselves with the same compassion we so freely give others.

Just like in an airplane, in case of emergencies, aren’t we always instructed to put on our oxygen masks first before helping others? 

Self-care encompasses simple acts like eating healthily, staying hydrated, exercising, and finding moments for meditation.

These practices nourish our bodies and minds, enabling us to provide the best care possible.

We must remember: that self-care isn't selfish.

It's recognizing our worth and prioritizing our needs. 

By prioritizing our well-being and maintaining a positive mindset, we become better nurses and ultimately the best versions of ourselves.

Let's make a promise to prioritize our well-being—for ourselves, our patients, and our loved ones.

True healing begins within, and by caring for ourselves, we embark on a journey worth taking.

Here’s to taking care of ourselves first.


Lei, RN

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